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We believe Jesus is still the answer for all of life's problems, that He is our refuge and strength, and the source of Truth because He is the way, the truth, and the life. We are here to proclaim God's truth.


We are an independent, fundamental, Bible believing Baptist Church. Our home missions include nursing home ministry, and among our missionaries are prison ministries, evangelism, and church planting.


We live and work in our community, and we love our community. We desire for all to come and learn of God as He is the hope of the world, for our families, and for us as individuals. When we are right with God, all else falls into place and our world becomes a better place to live.


Romans 10:17

“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”

Enjoy this King James Bible link. We encourage you to read, study, and memorize the Word of God daily.

Our Pastor



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I was born and raised up my entire life in church. I never remember a time when I did not intellectually know about God, Jesus, Heaven, and Hell. Very early in my childhood I remember speaking with my grandmother about the topic of salvation. I could see the excitement in her eyes. The more excited she got, the more excited it caused me to be. I answered all the questions correctly and expressed interest in being saved. I said a little prayer, and made a profession of Faith. Years went by and I thought I was saved. I told people I was saved. But something happened to me that had never happened before during a revival meeting at Temple Baptist Church. The Holy Spirit began to convict me. I didn’t understand. I told everyone I was saved years prior. Everybody in church thought I was saved, but the Holy Spirit kept showing me I was lost. This created a real struggle. I spent most of that week arguing with myself and attempting to convince myself that I wasn’t lost, but in fact saved! Praise the Lord that by Friday night of that revival meeting, I couldn’t lie to myself any longer. That night I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior! Praise His Holy Name!
I want to start off by saying…if God can use me, He can use anybody. When God began convicting me to surrender to preach, I didn’t understand why. I wasn’t the most intellectual individual. I was nervous when it came to public speaking. When I analyzed everything in my life, nothing seemed to add up as to why God would call someone like me. I am glad that God is bigger than our excuses! I am glad that when we are inadequate for the task at hand, He is all in all sufficient. I struggled for a long time with the call to preach, but thankfully God is longsuffering. God continued to work in me and deal with me concerning preaching. I finally reached the point I was consumed by these convictions. All I could do was think about preaching, dream about preaching, and when I was alone by myself in my pickup truck I would attempt to preach (I am convinced these are some of the best sermons I have ever preached. If my pickup truck had a soul, it would’ve gotten saved!). During a revival meeting on Sunday night, I couldn’t take it anymore. I surrendered it all to God. I surrendered to preach. I surrendered my family to the ministry. I surrendered that I would go anywhere the Lord wanted me to go. Little did I know at the time that this call would lead me about 10 miles down the road to Refuge Missionary Baptist Church. It is a blessing to be placed in the ministry. It is a blessing to be the Pastor of Refuge Missionary Baptist Church! To God be the Glory!

Our Missionaries

Louise Edwards
Eternity Baptist Mission
Serving God in Southern Mexico
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Pastor Jodie Cole
Appleton Baptist Church
139 E. Reuss Ave.
Appleton, MN  56208
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Toby W. Cribbs Sr.
P.O. Box 537
Copperhill, TN  37317
Larry and Marlene Key
Missionaries to Juvenile Detention Centers

Loving God Ministry


Dawn has written books and music for young people to comfort and encourage them to live for the Lord, prevent painful regrets, and pass it forward to tell others about the hope and saving grace of Jesus. All of her books use only the KJV and contain the Gospel at the end, and her  music contains depth from the Scriptures with a conservative style. Jesus is STILL the answer! We love Him because He first loved us. This ministry has a focus of loving God because He truly is a LOVING GOD.

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